Setting Goals

November 16th 2021 · 181 words, 1 minute read

If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.
- Seneca

Goals are important to all of us, as once you set up a goal you can also set up a plan of action and measure progress: Is what I'm doing getting me closer to accomplishing my goal? Was what I did yesterday beneficial to me or my goal?

A goal doesn't have to be something extraordinary. It can be as simple as changing that dead lightbulb you keep staring at. It can also be as complex as launching a new product for that domain you just bought which requires a myriad of steps along the way.
It can be a short term or long term goal. It can be as vague or as specific as you wish.

Once you have your goals, no matter how small, work towards achieving them. Every. Day.
You won't believe how fulfilling it is.

Don't let anybody else belittle your goals. These are your goals so you get to decide, and you get to benefit from both success and failure.