Taking back control

November 20th 2021 · 263 words, 1 minute read

"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength."
― Marcus Aurelius

A couple of days ago I wrote about setting goals, which is crucial if you want to succeed.
Another thing that is extremely crucial and, in a sense, intertwined with success is taking control of you. What does this mean?

Taking control of you, in essence, follows the stoic approach of only trying to control the things that you can control and taking responsibility for yourself and your actions.
For example, just last week I decided to quit my job, which means I took control of my fate rather than let someone or something else decide it for me.
Instead of letting misery and dissatisfaction lead me and my performance to oblivion, which in turn would cause my employer to fire me, I decided that I've had enough and took back control. The sheer satisfaction that you get from being in control of your life is immeasurable.

While you may not be able to control whether your workplace will be fulfilling (economically or otherwise), how your manager or coworkers will treat you or even if the workplace refuses to allow you to work remotely, you can and should control whether you will remain employed there. Your happiness, in the end, is up to you.

Take control of you. Take control of your happiness, even if you need to take risks like quitting and finding a new job (more on this later), because nobody else will do it for you.