Beling Bulan & Maheswari Apsaria message

September 3rd 2022 · 1448 words, 8 minute read

*From Beling Bulan, free mediumship reading

halo kak Beling 🙏 apakah boleh join? kalau misalnya boleh, ini pertanyaanku: apakah ada advice terkait spiritual/energy-related works untukku? terima kasih sebelumnya 🙏

Halo kak Arini, boleh silahkan join. Ini 1 card pull buat kakak: intuitive walking.
Kakak diminta utk menggunakan intuisi dalam hal menetap di suatu situasi atau suasana atau orang yg diajak bicara. Kalo mulai gak nyaman, mulailah zoning out atau minta permisi untuk pergi dari situ. Pekalah dengan energi sekitarmu, kata kunci apa saja yg diucapkan org yg bisa trigger, dll.
Kalau sudah mahir, bisa berpotensi diolah lagi jadi astral projection supaya kk bisa jalan2 astral.... Bisa juga aura reading, dll. bila kak Arini ini berminat untuk mendalami spiritual. Congrats untuk skill baiknya!
Apa harapan kak Arini dari kemampuan ini? Kasitau Beling dong... 🙂

Bibliomancy from Apsaria

halo kak Ria. aku tertarik bgt mau coba join reading nya, karena baru pertama kali denger yg formatnya kayak gini 😍 woow.
izin join ya kak 🙏
aku pilih buku sparkle (krn yg screw vibes-nya intimidating sepertinya aku ga siap hahaha 😅😂)
pertanyaannya: is there any message that I need to hear? akhir2 ini lagi ngerasa agak lost dan unmotivated, kayak ada something yg hilang tapi aku gatau itu apa? rasanya kayak kehilangan longterm muse gitu :") 🥺
makasih banyak kak Ria. maaf malah jadi keselip curhat sedikit yaa 😅🙏

Halo Arini makasih udah mampir ikutan yaa iyanih akupun kebetulan lg ada bukunya 😄
Gaperlu minta maaf krn curhat keselip, it is not a mistake kok! Malah keren km bisa transparan dan terbuka begitu, thank you for your openness ya 🤗☁️🌿

Page 1 buat kamu adalah reminder kalo orang yg keberatan sama cara hidup kamu itu gapenting tp hal2 dan orang2 yg penting di hidup kamu gaakan keberatan sama sekali dengan cara hidup kamu.
Segera tinggalin orang2 yg social attachment nya ke kamu itu berbasis anxiety dan kecurigaan apalagi kalo manipulatif dan controlling, krn mereka akan ngekontaminasi energi di sekeliling kamu jd gasehat dan ga higienis.
Dan meninggalkan mereka gaperlu dengan cara gaslight atau ghosting. Kamu bisa tinggalin mereka dengan santun dan elegan, sambil diikutin kata hatimu ya...
Kesenangan, hobi, dan kebebasan berekspresi itu bagian dari diri kamu. Kalo ada yg gasuka (apalagi ngatur atau berhentiin kamu), itu berarti kamu sedang di violate dan dihinakan haknya. Sesekali, coba lawan dengan berdiri dan minta mereka utk stop, krn itu hak kamu dan it's ok to do kok....

Page 2 buat kamu adalah afirmasi bahwa kamu masih megang kendali dan kemudi kehidupanmu. Dan selamanya akan terus begitu.... Gaakan ada orang yg kuat megang setir kehidupan org lain dan kalopun ada, mereka pasti akan melupakan setirnya sendiri.
Mulailah akrab dengan kesendirianmu krn kesendirian tidak selalu berarti kesepian. Tulis hal2 kesukaanmu atau rencana2 dan doa2 yang baik.
Dari situ langkah pertamamu akan tercipta dengan sendirinya. Nanti akan segera datang semangat berkobar untuk perjalanan baru menemukan kembali hal2 yg kamu cari...

Pesan terakhir dalam bentuk support. Tidak mengapa kalo masih ada org yg ga setuju sm jalan hidupmu, atau malah mungkin barangkali akan tambah banyak? That still doesn't matter....
Betul kata2 (masukan dan pendapat) org lain itu penting, dan kamu akan selalu dengar krn kamu punya telinga dan hati nurani.
Tp tidak setiap saat pendapat mereka harus kamu pertimbangkan. Malah kamu wajib mempertanyakan orang2 yg selalu "ngasih" pendapatnya walau tanpa kmu minta sekalipun.
Do they consider you as helpless, or are they just want to feel useful?

halo kak Ria! sebelumnya makasihh banyak untuk jawaban reading nyaa ;; komprehensif sekali! thankyou so muchh for allocating this much energy to compose the answer and write it down meticulously :")
oh iya aku mau minta maaf sebelumnya karena this took me so long to reply! maaf jadi ngegantung lama yaa kak Ria ;
btw reply-nya panjang (and beberapa banyak TMI-TMI nya, so it could be skipped hehe! it's okay ^^)
aku akan review satu2 ya kak! ^^ untuk yang page 1: "those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" "Segera tinggalin orang2 yg social attachment nya ke kamu itu berbasis anxiety dan kecurigaan apalagi kalo manipulatif dan controlling, krn mereka akan ngekontaminasi energi di sekeliling kamu jd gasehat dan ga higienis." at first aku rada CONFUSE ABISS pas bacanya hehe soalnya I've cut ties with all my friends since 2018 :") jadi currently I have no attachment to anyone (except immediate famiy). jadi selama beberapa minggu ini aku wondering sendiri.. apakah sebenernya pesan ini ditujukan untuk my family member? (the ones I still have attachment with, since I almost have no contact with others these recent 5 years except for my fams). tapi kalo iya, is that seems harsh? (I feel guilty in thinking my fams as "manipulative and controlling", since it feels kinda "rude" to me for thinking that).
today is seems like a revelation, though. semalem aku kepikiran untuk goes on and take my decision to move out from the house seriously (I've entertained that for a long time but keep putting it off because as the eldest daughter it felt irresponsible to just leave them like that). so I tried to listing off the reasons of what's making me wanna move out last night, and this is it :") (I'll write the excerpt below *IT'S LONG, so it can be skipped! I just feel the need to include this for context) "...My fams is alright dan okay, the problem is rumahku tetanggaan dengan banyak saudara2 + keluarga besar, dan there's a lot of restrictions on the daughters of my fam because any "unruly behavior" done by us would shame our fams in front of other relatives. My mother obey my grandpa greatly and always try hard to please him (my grandpa is very old-fashioned and heavily a conservative-religious person), and this caused her to put many rules and restrictions on her daughters life in order to avoid our fams being criticized by grandpa and therefore "shaming the family name" in front of other relative. Other reason is because my father criticized and scrutinized every manner and behavior I made though it's harmless (like scratching head when thinking, my a bit wobbly way of walking (looked childish), the way my feet's always moving with tics and never standing quietly (looked immature and lacks charisma), my way of sitting (too unladylike), not wearing shorts in the house eventhough it's freaking HOT weather (because it would cause the angel to avoid our house due to "pamer aurat"), opens up all the window in my room in the middle of the noon (while the sun is at its peak), while I tried repeatedly to make him understand that my eyes' are sensitive to the sunlight, due to sensory overwhelm). My mom likes to do sudden makeover on my room without me knowing (eventhough I hate the change because it would mess up the furniture structure), and sifting through my belongings without me knowing (afterward she'd throw the stuff she deemed as useless and garbage eventhough those stuff was precious and still have values to me), also have restrictions of what clothes I can wear and not. The things my parents do; they're kind and I loves them alot but I can't help the fact that they have their way to reduce my self-esteem and making me feel little, like a ridiculuous clown-ish kid. One more, the other reason is my younger sisters (I have 2) doesn't respect me, they talk to me like I'm little kid (due to seeing my parents treating me like overgrown baby), and whenever I tried to be firm, they would talkback to me and explode (tantrum), causing my parents to berate me due to "causing ruckus" and "can't offer good example for the younger siblings)." okee moves on to the next part dari pesan kak Ria di page 1:
"Kesenangan, hobi, dan kebebasan berekspresi itu bagian dari diri kamu. Kalo ada yg gasuka (apalagi ngatur atau berhentiin kamu), itu berarti kamu sedang di violate dan dihinakan haknya. Sesekali, coba lawan dengan berdiri dan minta mereka utk stop, krn itu hak kamu dan it's ok to do kok...."
this was spoken in sincerely gentle and encouraging manner, and I feel deeply touched by this! ❤ yet I think I'm still lack the firmness in order to standing up in front of my fams.. I still tried, it's okay I know that this is a work in progress. I feel like I've changed myself so much so I could mold into what they want me to be, but still I get criticized, no amount of effort seems able to achieve perfection, I forgot who I am in the process and just try to goes along without care.
thank you so much kak Ria for the wakeup call from this bibliomancy reading! ❤ ❤ semoga kebaikan kakak berbalik lagi ke kk yaaa 🙂 🙂
(I'm still typing the review for page 2 and page 3 nya btw ❤