Extra Features

Diary.by is free for everyone and everyone is welcome to register and create their own diary/blog/journal/whatever. Ads will never appear on Diary.by. However, developing and maintaining this project takes time, while bandwidth and storage cost money.

If you like using Diary.by and would like to support me and the development of this project, you can do so via Patreon. In return, you will get access to a couple of extra features:

Image upload

While everybody can use images in their entries by default, uploading images is not permitted due to costs associated with the process.

Custom CSS

Gain the ability to add some extra flair to your blog with custom CSS.

Note - Currently, the abilities are added manually until I figure out the API implementation fully! Please include the email you have used to register for Diary.by when you make a pledge so I can identify you. Thanks!

Become a Patron!