New Things To Try In 2023

February 9th 2023 · 740 words, 4 minute read

As a new year begins, many of us are thinking about expanding our horizons and lining up new experiences. Due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic, the invaluable brevity of life has become all the more apparent. While you may have plans, dreams and desires, there is no time like the present, so why not make 2023 the year of trying new things? Here are some suggestions so you can end the year of the rabbit feeling satisfied and accomplished.

Take Up A New Hobby

Taking on new challenges inspires self-improvement and cultivates a sense of conscience and well-being. Not only that but beginning a new hobby could see you broadening your experiences and meeting new like-minded people with whom you may not have previously crossed paths. Whether your new hobby is journaling, rock climbing, sewing or learning to play a musical instrument, you won’t regret acquiring a valuable skill. 

Try A New Form Of Exercise

It’s never too late to adopt a healthier lifestyle, including eating nutritious meals and moving your body in a way that makes you feel great. You don’t need to sign up for a gym membership if the prospect doesn’t seem appealing; there are many other fun, attainable methods of getting active, including swimming, dancing and hiking with friends. 

Learn To Cook

Are you sick of takeaways, ready meals and freezer food? While fast food is undeniably tasty, it can be alarmingly expensive and doesn’t offer a great deal in terms of nutritional value. Learning to cook fresh, delicious meals from the comfort of your own kitchen can be a tremendously rewarding experience, and before long, you’ll be hosting sensational dinner parties for your family and friends. 

Read More

Countless studies have proven that reading is highly beneficial for focus, memory, communication skills and much more. You may already be a voracious reader, in which case, why not pick up a genre of book you’ve previously overlooked? You might find it fun to set yourself a reading challenge, such as reading ten books before the end of the year.

Visit Somewhere On Your Bucket List

While many of us struggle with finding the time and funds for travelling, life is undeniably short, so grab any opportunities to see the world whenever possible. Travelling provides new cultural experiences, fresh perspectives and lifelong memories, so make 2023 the year you check a location or two off your bucket list and book that plane ticket. 

Apply To Study Abroad

Studying abroad is a fantastic way to acquire new language skills and appreciate other cultures by experiencing them firsthand. If you are already a student, you can book a study abroad program through your college or university. Alternatively, you could apply for an ESL teaching qualification like a TEFL, where you can teach English in countries like Spain, China, Argentina and many more. Before you know it, you could be searching for a Hong Kong apartment for rent and beginning a new chapter in an inspiring location. 

Volunteer For Charity

Charity work can be a highly gratifying endeavour that can help you gain valuable new skills whilst improving the lives of others. Suppose there is a charity close to your heart - perhaps an animal rescue centre or a research and fundraising group for a debilitating health condition. If so, contact your local branch and keep an eye out for local volunteering opportunities. 

Eat At A Fancy Restaurant

Regularly eating out at posh restaurants may not be something you can incorporate into your everyday life - after all, such establishments are invariably pricey. A fine dining experience, including high-quality food, wine and service, can be a genuine treat for the senses. Don your finest outfit and head out to a luxury eatery with your partner or a friend for a night on the town you won’t forget. 

Give Up A Bad Habit

The beginning of a new year is the ideal time to finally knock that bad habit on the head once and for all. Self-improvement is a gradual, continuous process, so don’t feel disheartened if you can’t kick a habit overnight. Instead, celebrate the small steps and be persistent. It may be advisable to join a support group or seek professional help - even talking with a trusted friend can work wonders for your motivation.