Why Are Cyberattacks Increasing

February 13th 2023 · 746 words, 4 minute read

Cyberattacks have become a serious threat to the security of our health systems. Cybercriminals targeting healthcare organizations, hospitals, clinics and other medical centers are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks that can lead to data breaches, stolen information and financial losses. As cybercrime continues to evolve at an alarming rate, it’s essential for healthcare organizations around the world to understand why cyberattacks are increasing and how they can protect themselves from potential threats. 

Below, we’ll discuss some of the main factors behind the rise in cyberattacks on health security and provide some tips on how you can safeguard your organization from these malicious activities.

Causes for cyberattacks 

One of the most common reasons cybercriminals target health organizations is for financial gain. Hackers can use stolen information to commit identity theft or fraud, which can put patient data and financial resources at risk. Additionally, cybercriminals may target healthcare systems in order to access valuable research and intellectual property, as well as confidential patient records.

Another reason cyberattacks are increasing is that cyber-attackers have become more sophisticated and adept at crafting attacks specifically tailored to a particular organization’s security protocols. These targeted cyberattacks may be difficult to detect until it is too late, making them particularly dangerous for healthcare organizations.

Cybercrime is becoming more profitable due to an increase in demand from cyber-attackers. As cyber criminals become more organized and able to access larger networks, they can sell stolen data on the dark web for a substantial profit.

How to reduce the risk of attacks

Fortunately, there are several steps that healthcare organizations can take to protect themselves from cyberattacks. The most important step is to ensure all systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates. Additionally, it is essential for healthcare organizations to regularly monitor their systems and networks for any suspicious activity or cyber threats. 

By understanding why cyberattacks on health security are increasing and taking the necessary precautions, healthcare organizations can significantly reduce their risk of a cyber attack. With vigilance and the right cyber security measures in place, healthcare organizations can help protect their systems from cybercrime and ensure their sensitive data remains safe. Here are a few ways how:

Reduce Data Transfers

Because more workers are doing remote work, it is frequently necessary to transfer data between work and personal devices. The risk of cyberattacks is greatly increased when sensitive data is kept on personal devices.

Download carefully

Your systems and devices may be vulnerable to security concerns if you download files from unreliable sources. To lessen the likelihood that malware can infect your device, it's crucial to only download files from reputable sites and to avoid unauthorized downloads.

Improve password security

The first line of protection against several attacks is the strength of the password. Protecting your sensitive data requires using passwords made up of random symbols, changing them frequently, and never writing them down or sharing them with anybody. By implementing strong password protocols and two-factor authentication can help protect sensitive information from cybercriminals.

Keep software up-to-date

Software providers work hard on continuously making their software more secure, and regularly installing the latest updates will make your devices less vulnerable to attacks.

Monitor data leaks

Long-term data leakage can have negative effects, but they can be lessened by regularly analyzing your data and locating existing leaks. Data breach monitoring systems keep a close eye on any unusual activity and immediately notify you.

Implement a plan

Even the most cautious and disciplined businesses can experience data breaches. Organizations of any size will be able to respond to actual assaults and limit their potential harm by creating a formal plan to manage potential data breach situations, a primary cyber attack response plan, and a cyber attack recovery plan.

It is evident that companies must take precautions to protect their data because they are constantly at risk from cybercrime. Take action now to stop future data breaches and the ensuing problems; don't wait until it's too late. Having proper data protection is crucial, much like having adequate cyber liability insurance is necessary.
